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    homicide 結果共4筆

  • Navy officer, dementia-stricken mother in harbor plunge

    A tragic incident unfolds in Kaohsiung as a navy officer drives his car into Nanliao Fishing Harbor with his dementia-stricken mother on board. The mother tragically loses her life, sparking investigations into the officer’s motives and potential legal implications.
    2024/03/25 17:30
  • Autopsy reveals 10 potentially lethal wounds on student

    A male student in New Taipei City was stabbed to death by a schoolmate following a verbal altercation. The preliminary autopsy revealed that the victim had suffered 10 potentially lethal wounds, including knife wounds in his neck, left chest, and right lower back. Six slashes were in the front, including one to his carotid artery, and four were near his kidney. The attack occurred after a female student entered the victim’s classroom and was questioned by him about her presence. She brought back a male student from her grade to settle the dispute, who then stabbed the victim five times with a switchblade, causing extensive bleeding. The victim received ECMO treatment for five hours at Far Eastern Memorial Hospital but was pronounced dead 34 hours after the incident. The New Taipei District Prosecutors Office is considering investigating the assailant for homicide or manslaughter based on the autopsy results and evidence from the scene.
    2023/12/27 16:29
  • 保母狠虐2月嬰!「幫遺體穿衣」放回汽座還給媽

    美國威斯康辛州沃沙市(Wausau)一名無照保母,涉嫌殺死一名僅2個月大的男嬰,並假裝嬰兒還活著,把屍體送還給家長,遭控一級謀殺罪(intentional homicide),並禁止她與兒童及受害人家屬接觸,保釋金50萬美元(約新台幣1550萬元)。
    2019/05/02 09:06
  • 麥可案件大逆轉 警方朝他殺偵查

    2009/07/10 14:44
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